Hi lovely darlings.
Just checking in.
We had a fabulous weekend and I finished all of my final projects for my History & Computer classes. Today I started two new classes, Politics and Math. The only (and I really, truly mean only) downside to The University of Phoenix is that you do two classes for nine weeks and then start new classes immediately. My brain needs a break, people!
As you all know (or if you don't, I'm about to tell you), I really, really suck at math.
Like, it's baaaaad.
I need that shirt. For real.
The reason for this post today is to let you all know that I have plans for this blog. I want to network with people, I want people who are going through weight loss struggles or having weight loss surgery to hear my voice and know that they can do it. A friend of mine's husband got a huge promotion to Director of Bariatrics at their local hospital and I would love for him to share this blog with his patient's.
I have plans.
What I'm trying to say is, for me to continue to have a 4.0 GPA in school, plan this wedding and keep losing weight, blogging might have to take a backseat. (the backseat isn't bad, right? I mean, people put their kids in the backseat, so... it's pretty good back there.)
What I'm trying to say is, for me to continue to have a 4.0 GPA in school, plan this wedding and keep losing weight, blogging might have to take a backseat. (the backseat isn't bad, right? I mean, people put their kids in the backseat, so... it's pretty good back there.)
I'm not disappearing and I'm not quitting the blogiverse. I have finally found my voice and I love it here. I want to make sure I keep doing this, for myself and for others, because it makes me happy and keeps me motivated.
But just know, that if you don't see me quite as much, I'm off in the corner somewhere doing terrible amounts of algebra and I'm probably going totally and completely insane.
Pray for me, people.
Also, just a quick thing:
Three years and one day ago, tornadoes ripped through Tuscaloosa and so many other parts of Alabama, injuring and killing people and taking everything they had. It was devastating and horrific. Yesterday, the same thing happened in Arkansas. Pray for them. And to find out more about how you can help, visit Tyler's page Arkansassy.
Those storms are now headed our way, so all my Birmingham/Alabama friends... stay safe!
All my love, always.